NASA Spotlite Video Submission - Old Form
***New Form -- Please use this link to participate in the NASA Spotlite Video Challenge
School / Organization
City or County
Zip Code
How did you hear about the NASA Spotlite Challenge? (example- NASA eClips newsletter, GLOBE, Challenger Learning Center)
Educator Name
Educator Email
Title of Video
Date of Production
What misconception does your video address?
Is this a new draft of a previously submitted video?
No previous draft of this video has been submitted
Yes, this is a new draft of a previously submitted video
The video: (check all that apply)
is student created
is properly cited for audio and/or visuals created by others
is appropriate for target audience
clearly sets the stage for others to notice a misconception
science content has been reviewed by science expert (science teacher, museum educator..)
asks the viewer to try a related science demonstration or simulation
uses NASA graphics, images, and animations whenever possible
has clear audio
contains closed captioning
All students appearing on screen must be age 13 and older and must submit a signed media release form. NASA will not publish videos without having a signed form.
Please list the names and roles of students involved in the creation of this video.
Upload the .mov or .mp4 movie file.
The NASA eClips team will review videos before uploading them to the NASA Spotlite YouTube Gallery.
The NASA eClips team may select a subset of videos to add to interactive 5E science lessons featured on the NASA eClips website. For this use, the team will need the final edited videos as uncompressed .mov or .mp4 files, so please keep the original file.
Please name files
Ex: NASA_Spotlite_Seasons_V2_Feb_17
Size limit is 100 MB.
Please upload media release forms as a PDF.
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Please link to your video. If the video is on Youtube, please make the video privacy "unlisted." For services like Dropbox or Google Drive, please make sure the video is in .mp4 format with public access.